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Hear what the ladies have to say about Coach Cat!
Sheronda Dickson
Coach Cat helped Shronda make a full time income in Real Estate. Shronda was able to quit her full time job after mentorship from Coach Cat.
Angela Gentry
Angela breaks down how Coach Cat met with her on a regular base and walked her through her first few transactions. Coach Cat also helped Angela reach new heights in the Real Estate Industry.
Christina Calhoun
Christina breaks down how Coach Cat met with her on a regular bases and walked her through her first few transactions. Coach Cat also helped Christina reach new heights in the Real Estate Industry.
Sheronda Dickson
Coach Cat helped Shronda make a full time income in Real Estate. Shronda was able to quit her full time job after mentorship from Coach Cat.
Angela Gentry
Angela breaks down how Coach Cat met with her on a regular base and walked her through her first few transactions. Coach Cat also helped Angela reach new heights in the Real Estate Industry.
Christina Calhoun
Christina breaks down how Coach Cat met with her on a regular bases and walked her through her first few transactions. Coach Cat also helped Christina reach new heights in the Real Estate Industry.
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